Cell fixation and staining
Fixation for electron microscopy – a classic book that discusses the effects of the various fixation methods on ultrastructure and biochemical properties of cells
Basic Methods in Microscopy. Protocols and Concepts from Cells: A Laboratory Manual
Salmon Lab protocols, UNC
Mitchison Lab protocols
Abcam protocols and webinars for immunofluorescence, fixation, microscopy
Fixation of GFP
Fluorescent fusion proteins have revolutionized examination of proteins in living cells. Still, studies using these proteins are met with criticism because proteins are modified and ectopically expressed, in contrast to immunofluorescence studies. However, introducing immunoreagents inside cells can cause protein extraction or relocalization, not reflecting the in vivo situation. Here we discuss pitfalls of immunofluorescence labeling and argue that immunostaining experiments should be complemented with live-cell imaging.
Phalloidin-DMSO for actin protocol is excellent for endoplasmic / deep cytoplasmic actin populations.
Optimizing Leading Edge F-Actin Labeling Using Multiple Actin Probes, Fixation Methods and Imaging Modalities
High-quality immunofluorescence of cultured cells
Fix Your Membrane Receptor Imaging: Actin Cytoskeleton and CD4 Membrane Organization Disruption by Chemical Fixation https://www.frontiersin.org/journals/immunology/articles/10.3389/fimmu.2019.00675/full
About samples, giving examples: Optimized Single Molecule Localization Microscopy https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/31078795/
Cryo-ET review